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Unlocking the Unique: 4 Benefits Brands Can Only Gain from Events and Exhibitions

Through events and experiences, brands can tap into unique advantages that simply cannot be replicated via alternative marketing channels...

In fact, 80% of organisers believe events are the most critical marketing channel, according to Bizzabo data. (For more insights from that study, check out our recent blog entitled 'The Bounce Back: In-Person Events Prove Their Worth Post-Covid.')

The team at Enigma is fortunate enough to see how powerfully events can impact a brand's success. As not everyone has firsthand experience witnessing and measuring that impact, many may still question: why do events work so well?

Here are four reasons why events continue to present irreplaceable marketing opportunities for brands worldwide.


1. Events are Energising.

People feed off being around each other in a way you can’t replicate through the glass. Gaining cut-through for brands has changed dramatically over the past decade. Global marketers are falling out of love with traditional advertising, such as TV, according to new Kantar research. ‘Information overload’ and ‘digital fatigue’ are now synonymous with our modern era and consumers are overwhelmed by marketing ‘noise’ coming from all directions.

In contrast, events and experiences are refreshing, exciting, and energising. Events give consumers what they want, particularly millennials and centennials who value experiences because it makes them happy. In exchange, a brand gains direct cut through to an in-person target audience to build rapport, establish trust, and cultivate positive brand association.

2. Events Foster Deeper Engagement.

Memorable experiences also strengthen brand recognition and consumer loyalty, leaving long-lasting impressions and connections that cannot be replicated by digital or traditional advertising. This deeper engagement inevitably generates leads and sales. This is supported by Event Marketer's 'EventTrack' research that proves 91% of consumers are more likely to purchase a product after attending a live event or experience, and 91% have more positive feelings about a brand afterward.


3. Events Lead to Brand Advocacy.

Meaningful engagement through experiences also drives “talkability” and user-generated content for social channels, which is trusted far more by consumers than conventional advertising. Events can achieve a marketer's dream: they transform customers into brand advocates.


4. Events Facilitate Data Capture.

Events also provide an unmissable opportunity for market research and data capture. This will aid brand marketers in proving ROI to key decision-makers within their organisations, along with other equally important marketing metrics, such as Return on Objectives (ROO), Return on Engagement (ROE), and Return on Attention (ROA).

Ultimately, while events and exhibitions come with costs and challenges, they also offer unique advantages that cannot be achieved elsewhere in the marketing mix. Brands need to focus on their objectives and then carefully plan and execute their participation to maximise the benefits – a well-defined strategy is crucial for success.


For over 30 years Enigma has been putting Brands in Focus. You can take a closer look at our event marketing principles here, contact us here, or follow the link below for a practical guide to sharpening your own brand focus.

READ NEXT: How Do We Put Brands in Focus?
